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As much as you love your wooden floor, it will get abused with muddy shoes, dirt, sand, pets, and spills. Wood floors are quite easy to keep clean and beautiful looking as long as you follow these simple steps.

What should you do daily?

Make sure to dust and get rid of any abrasive debrisAs we come in and out of our homes and carry on with our lives, inevitably the floor gets dirty, and if it is not cleaned immediately,  the wood may get damaged. These are daily tasks that only take a few minutes of your time. Just dust and get rid of any abrasive debris, food, and hairs. These things have a habit of building up in corners and under the tables, sofas or beds. Wool mops are the best as they don’t just move the dirt around but actually pick it up. If you have an old sweater, that will do the trick also. Your floor will be free of dust in just a few minutes.

What should you do weekly?

Dusting your wooden floor dally is a must, but it is not enough. You should mop, at least once a week, your hardwood floor by following these simple steps. Never soak a wooden floor, you will get perfect results by just cleaning it with a damp microfibre mop. The trick is to use a spray bottle filled with your favorite wood cleaner or use a damp mop and natural oil soap to preserve the shine. Take good care not to leave any standing water as this would leave stains, and damage the wood.

What should you do seasonally?

Finally, your hardwood floor should have a thorough cleaning with a vacuum, making sure that you do not use a beater bar as it would damage the wood. This will help to keep your wooden floors looking great. Do this about every three to four months.


it does need to be cleaned with a damp microfiber mop

If you follow these steps, you will keep your wooden floor looking forever young, and you will benefit from its beauty with pride. If you would like more information on how to look after your wood flooring, please contact us, and it will be our pleasure to assist you at T&G Flooring.