In Blog, Existing floor services

Sometimes small changes to your home can make a big difference. Changing the color or the appearance of your floors can give the impression of a complete home make-over, the way that a new hair cut can make you feel like a brand new person. Here are easy ways for you to change up your hardwood floors without having to rip up a single board.


3 ways to change your floors without replacing.

The first step to new floors is to refinish the old. Getting rid of scratch marks, dents, and discoloration, and making your floors look fresh and even, will instantly make your home look new. The floors are such a large area of the home, that sanding and refinishing the floors will brighten up every other element. People will think you redid your entire home, but all you did was renew your floors.

New Stain

When you refinish your floors, you can keep the old color and stain, or you can make an even more dramatic change. Adding a new stain will require that you sand off the old stain to make this change. We recommend that you have a professional re-stain your floors for a smooth application. You also need to understand how a stain is going to blend with the natural tones of the wood. The final color may not be what you imagined, but a professional will be able to guide you towards the right stain for the wood that you have, giving you the fresh new color you want.

New Finish

Benefits of hardwood floors

A fresh coat of finish can even out the tones in your floors.

Simply changing up the level of shine on your floors can change their appearance and the ambiance in the room. Sometimes, the finish layer will wear unevenly on the floors. Areas with heavy foot traffic may wear down quicker than other areas, which can make the floors appear to be patchy in color. You might be able to get away with merely reapplying a new coat of finish to make your floors look even in color.

Glossy or Matte

The finish on your floors will impact the color and the shine. The glossier the floors, the more luxurious and elegant they appear. A more matte or satin finish is going to feel more modern.

Talk to a hardwood flooring expert to find the best solution for changing your old hardwood floors without replacing them.