Let’s get back to the patterns in your hardwood floors. More intricate patterns are a great way to add some elegance to your floors. Depending on your personality and the type of wood you choose, patterns like herringbone, parquet and squares can make a dramatic statement. If you’re looking for your floors to have a little more flair, consider one of the following patterns.
Herringbone is similar to the chevron pattern, just a little more subtle. But it won’t help elongate or widen a smaller room. Herringbone is great for large rooms with a lot of floor space. This pattern requires a little less cutting than the chevron, so if you’re trying to eliminate waste this is a great way to go.

The square parquet flooring is a way to simplify the intricate patterns of the classic parquet flooring style.
Hardwood floors fit for a king…or queen
If you want timeless floors fit for a king, parquet flooring has given mansions and chateaux their rich elegance for centuries. Intricate and complex floor patterns can accent certain areas of a room, and your choice of patterns can make this style of flooring a unique work of art.
Making your parquet floors consist of larger patterns, rather than tiny ones, will give your parquet floors a more modern feel, while still keeping the luxurious feel.
It’s still hip to be square
You can also tone down the intricacies in your parquet flooring and simply go the way of the square. You can play with the size and the type of wood you use to create patterns within the squares. This takes a little time to plan out, but that’s for your contractor to figure out.

Hardwood floors will last forever. Make sure you pick the perfect pattern to match your home and your personality. Do some research before settling on your hardwood flooring pattern.
When you think about the design you want for your hardwood floors, do a little research or book a consultation with an expert. The type of wood you want to use may not be suitable for the pattern you envisioned. For example, if you insist on using reclaimed wood, also wanting an intricate floor pattern may just end up a big confusing mess. Much like standing too close to a Monet. Reclaimed wood is often unique in texture and color and each plank has it’s own personality. This alone will create enough of a pattern, you may not want to add a pattern on top of it.
Hardwood floors are forever. Take your time and be smart about your choices!