Choosing the type of hardwood you want for the flooring throughout your home is no easy task. There are numerous options and you want to choose a wood type that complements the cosmetic appearance of your home, that is easy to maintain, and hides dirt easily. Dark wood can often be quickly disregarded by many homeowners. However, it shouldn’t be. This wood color offers many benefits.

Dark color wood can add an elegant and rich appearance throughout your home.
Why Dark Wood?
One of the greatest advantages of choosing dark wood is it easily hides dirt and grime. You will not feel like you are constantly sweeping and cleaning the floors throughout your home. However, be aware that lighter debris, such as sand or dog hair, can stick out on this flooring.
Another reason to consider dark wood floors is that these wood types can appear healthier and flawless for longer periods of time. This helps you have a beautiful, classic look throughout your home without extensive maintenance and regular repairs.
Popular Dark Wood Options
As you consider dark wood floors for your home, do your research. Look at all dark wood type options available. Each wood type will add a different look and feel to your home. Some may look better with your current aesthetics than others. Additionally, if choosing solid hardwood floors, consider each type and its set of properties.
For example, both cherry and maple are dark wood options. However, cherry wood is very easy to scratch while Maple is a much harder wood. You will want to work with a hardwood flooring specialist like those at T&G Flooring to help you learn about each wood type and options available to you.
A few popular dark wood options you may consider include:
- Cherry
- Mahogany
- Ebony
- Maple
- Oak
- Rosewood
- Walnut
If you are replacing your floor or you want to upgrade your current flooring, visit T&G Flooring today or stop by their Denver showroom.