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Hardwood floors can add incredible value and appeal to a retail shop or commercial property. If done right, their beauty can last for a long time, even with heavy foot traffic. However, there are a few considerations to be aware of when installing hardwood floors in commercial properties.

Hardwood floors in retail shops

Hardwood floors for retail shop

The first consideration you have to make is what type of wood is best for your business. You want to look at wood species that are durable and tough, but also have the physical attributes that you love. The wood that you choose will impact the vibe of your retail shop, so be sure to choose a type of wood that reflects the characteristics of your shop. Is it high end and luxurious, organic and warm, or rustic and eclectic? Find a wood that enhances the ambiance of your shop and attracts the right clientele.


For most commercial properties, due to the heavy foot traffic, engineered floors tend to hold up much better under pressure. Engineered floors are designed to be less temperamental than solid wood floors, making them the prefered choice for retail shops and other commercial properties.

Installation time

Another big factor for business owners is the time it will take to install the hardwood floors. The quicker the installation, the quicker you’ll be open for business. However, cutting corners is only going to compromise the installation and could give you problems down the road. Having to fix a poor installation can be costly when you factor in the business you’ll lose while the construction is underway. Spending a little more time and money up front on contractors that won’t cut corners or compromise quality will end up being worth it in the long run.

Quick drying finish

Best floors for retail shop

At T&G we won’t cut corners in order to make our work cheaper or faster. We believe in quality and our reputation is on the line. That being said, we do work with a variety of flooring finishes that can cut some of the installation time. UV-Cured floor finishes are perfect for commercial floor installation. This flooring finish will instantly cure your floors so they are ready for immediate use. The ceramic fortified finish is 40% harder than our best conventional two-component water-based floor finish.