Selecting the right flooring for your home is a big decision. From the overall look you are hoping to achieve the amount of maintenance required to keep your floors looking great, there is definitely a lot for homeowners to consider. The good news is there is also no shortage of available options, so with a little bit of research on the different types of wood flooring you are sure to find your perfect fit! Let’s take a look at some of the available options and a few of the most popular selections.

With so many available options for wood flooring, you’re bound to find one that works for you!
There are two main categories of hardwood flooring. The first is solid hardwood flooring and the second is engineered hardwood flooring. Engineered hardwood flooring is slightly cheaper. It is made up of a multilayer base and a top layer of real hardwood flooring. It also comes pre-finished and is less susceptible to moisture damage. If you are opting for solid hardwood flooring, you’ll need to choose between various hardwood species, a variety of colors and finished or unfinished options.
Popular Options
Oak flooring in Colorado is one of the most popular choices of solid hardwood flooring for our clients. If you have decided to go with oak flooring you’ll need to choose between red oak and white oak. White oak is very durable and is a great option for areas with high traffic. Red oak, on the other hand, is known for its beautiful warm tones and swirled grain patterns. Both are stunning options for your home.
If you’re looking for help deciding which flooring options are right for your home, you’ve come to the right place! Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. At T&G Flooring, we’re always more than happy to assist you in any way we can!