The Best Hardwood Floor For Below Ground Rooms Having a home filled with kids is wonderful, but at some point, those little people get too old to share bedrooms. Not everyone has the luxury of [...]
(Cover: 2013 Jamestown, CO flood. Photo by: Steve Zumwalt/FEMA,from the FEMA Photo Library) Add flood insurance to your Colorado homeowner’s policy With warmer spring weather right around [...]
Reclaimed hardwood floors are popular for many reasons. First, it is environmentally responsible. Second, they look cool. And third, they have a rich history that you can’t get with new hardwood [...]
According to the NFL’s “Super Bowl Babies” spot during Super Bowl 50 – you know, the one where the Broncos kicked the Panther’s…ehum, you know the one – a lot of you Bronco fans [...]
Which direction you lay your solid hardwood floors can have just as much to do with the shape of your room or the direction of your subfloor joists. Since we’re talking about installing solid [...]
There’s no limit to what you can do with hardwood floors. We’ve gone over several attractive installation patterns, but one that is not getting the attention it deserves is the diagonal hardwood [...]
Many parents see hardwood floors as “one more thing my child can fall and hurt themselves.” But, before you move your whole family into a bouncy castle where there’s nothing hard to hit your head [...]
When it comes to your subfloor, the three magic words any hardwood flooring contractor wants to hear is “clean, dry, and flat!” Before any hardwood flooring installation project, make sure you [...]
Choosing between the many floor finishes can be a little overwhelming. You just spent a long time deciding on the wood species and the installation pattern, and now you have hundreds of floor [...]
It’s not uncommon for new homeowners to want to knock down a wall or two creating a big, open space. The open floor plan is more popular than ever, but there’s more to creating harmony with a [...]