Gray hardwood floors are the perfect way to accentuate a modern kitchen. Gray tones add a cool factor to your kitchen, while the hardwood adds warmth. Gray hardwood floors in the kitchen is the perfect combination for a modern kitchen with a rustic edge.
Neutral gray hardwood floors
If you’re going for a modern, clean, and sophisticated kitchen you’ve no doubt been seeing a lot of white and gray designs. Gray is the new neutral. But, it is also a color that you will find naturally in your kitchen materials, giving it an organic feel. Using neutral and natural colors is still one of the leading interior design trends.
Matching natural tones in the kitchen
In a kitchen, you’re often using a lot of natural materials, especially when it comes to countertops and cabinets. Natural stone countertops have a variety of gray tones that swirl in various beautiful patterns. Mirroring those tones and textures with gray hardwood flooring will make your kitchen feel cohesive.
Cool and architectural
In a modern kitchen, gray-toned hardwood floors will make it feel cool and architectural. But, because you are using wood, they will also bring a warmth that you need. You want the kitchen to feel clean and comfortable.
Add a pop of color
Using neutral tones for your walls, cabinets, countertops, and floors means that you have more room to play with other decorative elements. With a neutral background from floor to ceiling, you can bring in furniture or kitchen appliances that bring a pop of color.
T&G Flooring is one of the largest wood flooring retailers/contractors in Colorado. Schedule a free consultation with a wood flooring experts.