In Blog, Types of hardwood flooring

When you are designing the interior of your brick and mortar business there are many ways that you can make your space inviting and unique. Personalizing your floors can transform your business. Here’s how you can customize hardwood floors to create a signature look.

Customizing hardwood floors

Customize color of hardwood floorsThere are so many styles of hardwood floors to choose from that you may not need to make additional changes to make your floors unique. However, the color, texture, and installation of your floors can elevate the natural beauty of hardwood floors and create a signature look. A signature hardwood floor in your retail shop can be great for your branding. When you expand, the floors are a familiar element that your customers will recognize and appreciate.

Unique stain and color

Make your floors an extension of your brand. Create a personalized stain and color that is unique to your business. Choose a color and stain that will make the floors enhance the ambiance of the space, attracting customers, and creating a warm and calm atmosphere. When you pay attention to the flooring and make it a part of the overall design you create a more comfortable ambiance. The more comfortable your customers feel in the space, the longer they will stay, and the more they will spend.

Interesting installation pattern

Unique hardwood flooring installation patternsCreate an interesting pattern with the flooring. Parquet flooring can be a bold statement, piquing the interest of people passing by. Be careful not to overwhelm your store with too much design. Focus the main design elements at the entrance, as a way to draw your customers through the door. The follow through with a more simple and effective installation. You can also help direct the flow of foot traffic in your shop so that customers don’t end up bunching up in the entrance or never making it to the back wall. Install the floors so that your customers are guided all around the shop in an organic fashion.


Custom inlays in hardwood floorsCreate something truly special and unique to your store by having a logo inlay on your hardwood floors. This can be placed in the center of your store if you have the space to do so, but the entrance is often the most effective place for an inlay. Personalizing your entryway with a custom inlay will put your logo front and center to increase brand recognition.

T&G Flooring is one of the largest hardwood flooring retailers in the front range. Consult with a hardwood flooring expert about personalizing hardwood floors to compliment your business.