In Blog, Wood flooring advice

Hardwood floors will have a big impact on the style and the ambiance of your home. The direction of the floor also has a significant impact on the overall vibe. If you are fortunately starting from scratch, here are our suggestions for which direction is best suited for your home.

Direction of your floor

The right direction of hardwood floorsBecause your floors are such a large visual feature in your home, the direction of your boards will have a big impact. You want your floors to help create a smooth flow and a calm atmosphere. If you’re not careful about the direction of your floors you can cut off the natural flow of your home.

Front to back

The direction of the floors should flow with the natural rhythm of your home. The floors should draw the eye and the person forward into the home, starting from the front door. The most natural direction for your floors is to lay them perpendicular to the front door and continue in that direction all the way to the back of the house.

Same direction throughout the home

For an open plan home, running your floors the same direction throughout the home will give the most calming effect. If rooms are separated by doorways, you still want to try to run the boards the same direction as the adjacent rooms. There are some that will say that the boards should always be horizontal to the longest wall in the room to create the best energy, but if that causes the floors to change direction you need to decide if it’s going to be the best visual, or if changing direction will chop off the flow of the home.

Changing directions

The right direction of your hardwood floorsIf you are going to change the direction of the boards in one room or one area of the home, make it a purposeful decision. You may have a room that is more ornate and dramatic than other rooms, a room that you want to stand out. In that case, you can play with the direction and the installation of the floors. Creating a border or a special inlay is a unique and luxurious statement in a home and can be very effective when done right.

If you have questions about the best installation and direction of your floors, consult a hardwood flooring craftsman. Depending on the layout and architecture of your home, one direction may be better than another. T&G Flooring in Denver and Evergreen has the skill and the product variety to give you the best floors for your home or business.