The way you lay your hardwood floors will help shape the room. Make sure your installation pattern compliments and enhances the room. You can also use the direction or the pattern of your floors to enhance the style of your home, as well as make small rooms look bigger. Here are the five most popular hardwood flooring patterns.
Laying Your Hardwood Floors
The direction of the boards, how they cut the room or flow with the room will have a significant impact on your interior design. You want the floors to help create flow and ambiance. You may love the idea of a mixed pattern, herringbone, or parquet floor, but not every room looks good in a bold pattern. Some rooms will shine brighter with a more straightforward design.

Straight is the most popular flooring pattern.
The most common way to lay your floors is straight. But, straight is never just straight. Make sure you work with the dimensions of the room and lay your boards parallel to the longest side to maximize the size of the room. Find the perfect width of your straight floors to create a harmonious vibe.
You may be able to open up a room and create better flow by laying your floors diagonally from wall to wall. However, you have to be careful that you aren’t creating a skewed perspective. If done right, laying your floors diagonally is putting a slight funky twist on the classic straight floor pattern.

Parquet hardwood floors are elegant and luxurious.
If the room calls for it, parquet flooring creates a unique geometric pattern. Your floors will appear like a tiled floor with repeating squares. Parquet flooring creates a luxurious and sophisticated pattern. Plus, you can create a unique pattern to personalize your parquet floors.
The herringbone or chevron is a popular choice, especially in hallways and long, slender rooms. The patterns create a unique look, as well as the color variances that can make your floors look almost braided. Laying a herringbone pattern requires a little planning to make sure you get the right width and length to cover the floor seamlessly.
The last trend is a pattern that comes from wanting to utilize every piece of wood. Mixing and matching width and length will create a natural and organic vibe in your home. But, be careful that you plan out the pattern for the best effect.
Visit T&G Flooring to talk about your hardwood flooring project.