One of the most commonly asked questions is, how long is it going to take to install hardwood floors? The short answer is, it depends. It depends on the type of flooring, the condition of your subfloor, the size of the project, and the installation method. We know this answer is frustrating, but let’s go over how some things can help slow down or speed up hardwood flooring installation time.

The size of the project and the installation method will impact the installation time.
Factors that impact installation time
Generally speaking, you should expect a hardwood flooring installation to take between a week to two weeks. However, we don’t want to get too specific, because every project is different. We’d be speaking out of turn if we guestimated an installation timeframe without first seeing the space and talking to the customer. Once we understand the scope of the project and the materials that we’re working with, we’ll be able to set a more specific timeframe.
Type of flooring
The type of flooring that you choose will impact the installation time. We’re not talking about the species, like oak or maple, but rather, prefinished hardwood vs. unfinished hardwood. As the name implies, prefinished hardwood comes complete with a finish, eliminating the need to spend a few days at the end of the installation process finishing and drying your floors. Therefore, you can often assume that choosing prefinished flooring will be quicker to install.

Proper acclimation is the biggest X factor in the determining how long it will take to install your hardwood floors.
Shape of subfloors
Sometimes, we’ll need time to fix or install the right subfloor for your hardwood floors. Depending on the shape of your subfloors, expect there to be a few days of work that we need to do before we start installing your hardwood floors. Of course, if your subfloors are good to go, we can get right to the installation of the new hardwood floors.
Acclimation time
All wood, whether prefinished or unfinished will need to acclimate to the surroundings. The acclimation process is the biggest X factor in the installation equation. Wood is a living, breathing organism. The acclimation time is going to differ from wood to wood, and you can’t rush the acclimation process. As frustrating as this may be, if you don’t allow the wood to properly acclimate, you’re not going to get the lifelong hardwood floors you want. It’s better to prolong the installation process a few more days, making sure your wood is totally ready to live in your home for a long, long time.

Our number one concern isn’t the time it takes, but the quality of the finished product.
Installation method
The more complex the installation method, the longer it will take. If you choose parquet flooring, herringbone, inlays, or are using mixed-width wood, it may take a little more pre-planning to make sure that the installation process is done correctly. If you are creating something unique and artistically interesting, the installation process is going to take longer to perfect the desired result.
Hardwood flooring contractor
T&G Flooring is one of Colorado’s largest hardwood flooring retailers. Plus, we have our own line of prefinished and unfinished hardwood. That means that we have the inventory ready, so you won’t have to wait a long time for your wood floors to be available and delivered to your home. We understand that you want things done as quickly as possible, but when you work with T&G, we only work as fast as the wood will allow. Our installation time is always based on what will give you the best, most beautiful result possible.
For the best advice on hardwood floors, consult with a hardwood flooring expert.