When deciding on what type of flooring to put in your home, there are several things to consider, including which rooms the flooring will go in. The best hardwood flooring can be used as a way to accent a room, or it can be carried throughout the entire level. Deciding where you want hardwood flooring can help to narrow your choices.

Deciding where you want hardwood flooring can help to narrow your choices.
Best Hardwood Flooring
Depending on the style and floor plan of your house, you have several options for flooring. In an open-concept space, the most common choice is to go with one type of floor, although the kitchen can have a different type of floor, such as tile, without looking out of place. However, going from hardwood in the dining area to carpet in the living room can look odd in an open concept floor plan.
In a home that has separate rooms, you have more options for choosing the best hardwood flooring. However, even when mixing carpet, tile, and hardwood, it is best to stick to a single pattern or style of each material to avoid a mismatched or disjointed feel to the house.
If you really love hardwood, and the budget allows, you can put wood floors throughout the entire house. A word of caution, though: hardwood is generally not recommended for below-grade floors or areas of excessive moisture.
Consider Your Budget
For a softer feel underfoot and to go easier on your budget, you can put carpet instead of hardwood in the bedrooms. However, if the budget allows, it would be easier to install hardwood all at the same time and then use area rugs. If you’re unsure about carpet, or think you may want hardwood later, it could be more cost-effective to install it all at once.
Choosing hardwood flooring is a major decision, with many aspects to consider. Need help making a decision? Visit our showroom and speak with our experts. We offer free consultations.