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There’s a lot of misinformation about hardwood floors. Too many myths about what you can and cannot do with hardwood floors can give off the impression that they are high maintenance. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Let’s correct some of the misinformation about hardwood floors, and lock down the truth, once and for all.

Never put hardwood floors in the kitchen

Hardwood floors in the kitchen

Hardwood floors are durable and strong, making them a perfect and practical choice for the kitchen. Of course, moisture and water are not good for hardwood floors, but you can choose a type of hardwood flooring that is much more durable and resistant to moisture. Engineered hardwood floors or waterproof hardwood flooring is perfect for a kitchen.

Pets are bad for hardwood floors

There’s no problem mixing hardwood floors and pets, as long as you choose the right type of flooring and finish. Ironically, we think that getting a stronger, denser, and harder wood and finish will withstand the pressure from pet claws and paws when the opposite is actually true. A softer wood and finish will have a bit of flexibility and movement. You may get a few dents, but the finish won’t crack or scratch the way a harder surface would. Dents are less visible than scratches and cracks.

All wood floors can be refinished

Wood flooring and pets

It’s true that all hardwood floors can be refinished, but not all hardwood floors can be refinished over and over. Engineered floors have only a thin layer of wood on the top, so you may only be able to refinish engineered floors a limited number of times. If your floors see a lot of foot traffic, from pets and shoes and everything in between, consider getting solid hardwood floors that will give you more chances to refinish and renew your floors. Or, you can accept the wear and tear you’ll get overtime and embrace the natural aging process of hardwood floors.

Hardwood floors are too cold and hard for the bedroom

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Adding an organic material, like wood flooring to your bedroom will not only be a calming influence, but it will add warmth and softness. Wood flooring is great at absorbing heat and spreading it evenly throughout the room, and the wood feels gentle and smooth under your feet when you get up in the morning. Wood floors add the perfect ambiance to the bedroom.

If you have questions about hardwood floors, schedule a free consultation at one of our hardwood flooring showrooms.