When you invest a lot of time and money into getting your new gorgeous wood floors, you’re going to want to know how to take care of it so that it lasts as long as possible. That’s why you should take the time to read these tips on how to protect wood floors.
Clean Up Spills Right Away
When anything spills on a hardwood floor, every second counts. It is not something that you want to be nonchalant about cleaning up since this will allow the liquid from the mess to seep into the pores of the wood. Over time, this absorbed liquid can cause the hardwood to smell and even shrink if there is enough of it. So you need to make sure to address any spills right away.
![Clean Your Hardwood Floors](https://tandgflooring.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/toa-heftiba-gxvg_bb2fqo-unsplash-scaled-300x200.jpg)
Furniture pads are necessary to help prevent scratches from sliding furniture.
Use Furniture Pads
There are certain types of hardwood that are quite strong and very resistant to scratches or scuffs. However, this is not true of all hardwood floors and even the more durable ones will still experience some scratches if they don’t receive proper hardwood floor care. To help prevent this, you should use furniture pads on the bottom of your furniture. This will create a smooth and soft surface that is not likely to scratch the floor.
Refinish the Floor Every Few Years
Another essential step in proper hardwood floor care is professionally refinishing them every three to five years. This involves taking some high-quality wood floor finish and covering the entire floor in a light layer of it. Doing so will significantly extend the life of the wood.
By following these tips, you will now know how to protect wood floors and keep yours looking as good as possible for a very long time. But before you can start taking care of floors, you first need to get a gorgeous hardwood floor. So when you’re ready to do so, make sure to contact us at T&G Flooring.