In Blog, Wood flooring advice

Hardwood floors can make a statement while remaining relatively neutral and go with all interior styles. It’s a duality that leaves you with many design options. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few challenges. Mixing wood tones can either create a cohesive color palette and design aesthetic, or it can throw the whole room off.

Wood floors with wood furniture

No wood is just one color, so you need to be aware of the color tones that make up your hardwood floors. When you look for wooden furniture, whether it’s a dining room table, a bed, or other furniture pieces, make sure that you match the right tones. Keeping the colors in the same family creates design continuity.

Match the colors and undertones of your hardwood floors.

Dominant colors and undertones

Your wood will have a dominant color, like golden, brown, or red, but every piece of wood will also have several undertones that will open up your color universe. Watch the undertones of your hardwood floor and try to match then in the furniture. If your floors have gray and cool undertones, but your furniture has warm and golden undertones it could look mismatched.


Every room should have an element of surprise. Bringing in a statement piece with contrasting wood color and undertones can make the room feel more vibrant. Knowing how to add a few contrasting elements will make everything come alive.

Since the floors take up such a large area in the room, the type of hardwood you have will dictate how you match other wood in the room.

If you’re thinking of getting hardwood floors but need to match other wood in the room, come to our showroom and talk to an expert.