There’s a new flooring trend in the flooring business, and that’s variable width hardwood flooring. Perhaps customers got so tired of having to choose the right width for their floors that they finally just decided to mix and match. No matter how this trend came about, having floors with mixed width boards will give a modern home a historic feel.

Gaucho Hickory variable width hardwood floors.
Considerations for variable width floors
Just like every other type of hardwood floors, there are considerations to be made when you choose a floor with variable width. Although there are manufacturers that are making reasonably priced multi-width flooring, what you save in cost you may have to spend on installation. There is a method to the madness when it comes to installing floors that vary in width. It’s a puzzle, and you need a professional to make sure that the final product looks beautiful and not chaotic and messy.
Installing mixed-width hardwood floors
The reason you need a professional to install mixed-with floors is to make sure that you are properly mixing and matching the various width for a beautiful finished product. You don’t want all of the wide planks to end up on one side of the room, and all of the small planks on the other. You also have to think about the look that different widths will create when laying next to each other. If you aren’t careful, you can create some crazy optical illusions, and unless you are going to a 3D type effect, you need to be careful about the placement of each board. The whole project needs to be well-planned ahead of time, and professionals will make this much easier.

Get a professional to install your hardwood floors with varying widths for the best results.
Add history to your home
We carry many varieties of wood flooring from the best brands in the industry. Variable wood flooring will make your floors feel like they were designed in another period. When designed and installed right, variable width floors can be luxurious and timeless. Your floors will feel historic in style but will be manufactured and installed using the best modern techniques.
Variable width hardwood flooring retailer in Colorado
Schedule a free consultation with a hardwood flooring installation expert. We’ll help you figure out if random width flooring is right for your home.