There’s something quite homey and majestic about having both hardwood floors and matching wood ceilings. If you already have exposed wood beams, adding a ceiling trim to match your floors can be a beautiful design aesthetic. But, the two don’t have to match. It’s all about your design vision and what’s best for your home.
Matching Wood Floors and Ceiling Trim
If you match your floors and your ceiling, you have to make sure that you have enough contrasting design elements in the rest of the room to break up the matching wood.
However, if you have dark wood ceilings, using a lighter wood for the floors can create an interesting design aesthetic. Just make sure there aren’t too many design choices. You want to build cohesion, not chaos.
Consider Furniture
If you’re going for the matching look, you need to consider the other design elements in the room. If you have a lot of dark wood furniture, you may want to consider choosing a lighter wood for the floors and ceiling.
However, if you have exposed wood beams in your country home, you may want to choose to match that wood, instead of your furniture. Matching dark chocolate floors with dark ceilings can add a nice warm feeling to a chic country home. But, you’ll need to break up the darkness. Think about adding bright and light elements to the room, such as painting the walls in a contrasting color to create dimension.
Modern Farmhouse
If you live in farm style home, you want to stay true to those design elements. But, you can still modernize an old farmhouse. You can add the rustic charm of a farmhouse with wood floors and ceilings, and then choose light neutral colors for your walls and your furniture.
Keep your other design elements clean and simple, and let the wood be the focus of the home. You can always add a little drama and interest with a few pops of a bold color. Use pillows and other decorative items to complete the modern farmhouse look.
Hardwood Floors and Ceiling Trim
To talk to one of our wood flooring experts in Denver before you make your final choice. We’ve got our own line of wood flooring and ceiling trim, as well as, being one of Colorado’s largest wood flooring retailers. See first hand what your options are when you visit one of our showrooms in Denver and Evergreen.