When choosing new hardwood flooring for your home, you have seemingly endless options to pick from. Whether you want a light oak or a dark, vintage wood, you’re not stuck for choice! In fact, it can sometimes feel a little overwhelming knowing which option is best for you. However, knowing the basics of hardwood floors will make your decision much easier.
Your Lifestyle and Family Members

Kids, pets and other foot traffic should be taken into consideration when choosing a wood and a finish for your Colorado home or business.
Think about your lifestyle and the volume of traffic throughout your home. If you have children who constantly run into your house or play with their plastic cars on the wooden floors, you’re going to need a durable, scratch-resistant option. If you have pets that like to trail their muddy paws across the hallway, your flooring needs to be easy to clean. You also need to consider your shoes, your activities, and the amount of foot traffic that your flooring is exposed to. Busy homes need strong and long-lasting floorboards.
Your Style and Aesthetic
The specific style and design of your home will affect the type of flooring that is best for you. The basics of hardwood floors include knowing which hardwood flooring options are going to fit well into your house. Consider the different species of wood and their unique looks. Do you want light beach boards to match the cream walls? Do you want dark oak flooring to add to the vintage vibes of your rooms?
You also need to consider the installation and finishes. Some flooring comes in a sheer or shiny finish, which is perfect for some, but not ideal for others.
T&G Flooring welcomes you to Wood Floors 101, a course designed to help you learn more about the basics of hardwood floors to make your decision a little easier.