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Hardwood flooring is popular for homes for a variety of different reasons. Not only is there a great amount of aesthetic value, but many hardwood floors are also easier to clean and maintain than say, carpet or tile. However, even with different hardwoods out there, you have a variety of different options to choose from. Let’s narrow things down to some of the major ones.

You need to make all types of considerations with your wood floor.

Analyze Your Needs

Before getting into the actual options, we should discuss the general needs that you need to consider.

One of them is hardwood flooring cost, not just in terms of how much the raw materials cost, but how much you are going to pay in terms of installation and upkeep. Not all wood is created equal here. After that, you need to determine how often you will need to clean or refinish, so you can budget your money and time. Finally, you need to think about aesthetics. Does this floor match your current and future plans? If you plan to sell in the future, do you know people will buy this type of floor?

Popular Options

So, with this in mind, we can begin to cover some of the more popular wood types that other homeowners feel fit the above criteria. Oak is popular for its durability and dark grain, which fits nicely in a lot of rooms. Maple is lighter, with a less-pronounced grain, and is the second most popular option behind oak. Other popular choices, depending on taste, include Brazilian cherry, bamboo, and hickory. Don’t be afraid to consult with your provider to see what the ideal match will be for your home.

If you’re looking to sort through different types of wood flooring, make sure that you manage things properly. Our team can help you get everything done. At T&G Flooring, we’re always more than happy to assist you in any way we can!