Save a little time with floating hardwood floors
In our haste to warn you about common mistakes with a floating hardwood floor, we forgot to point out all the awesome advantages of installing your floors this way. So, without further ado, here is a breakdown of all the benefits of choosing floating floors for your Colorado home or business.
No one wants to wait around anymore. Our attention span has gotten a lot shorter over time, thanks to advances in technology. When was the last time you read a whole article or blog online without getting distracted and quickly checking your email, another blog, writing a quick text, or snapping a video of you reading a blog? This is something we are fighting every day in our line of business because installing hardwood floors is not something you can do quickly. It takes the time it takes, and you want your contractor to take his time. Wood needs to acclimate; installation needs to be done properly. Quality cannot be rushed.
Floating floors can be installed on any subfloor
That being said, if you are in a hurry, or you just don’t have the patience for solid wood floors to be installed, a floating floor can cut out a bunch of time spent gluing or nailing your wood floor to your subfloor. This will also cut down on installation costs, so already you are saving both time and money. Winning!
In an ever changing climate like Colorado, floating floors also have the added benefit of being able to breathe, contract, and expand more easily. In other words, when it comes to the humidity or moisture levels in your home, the floating floor is much more equipped to deal with seasonal changes.
If you want to extend your floors to your whole house, but you have several different types of subfloor from room to room, floor to floor, then the floating floors can cover every area without having to redo your subfloors. As long as the subfloors are all in excellent quality you are ready to install floating engineered floors.
Floating wood floor contractor in Colorado
Choosing a tongue and groove installation method and avoiding adhesives or nails will also make it easier to replace any damaged planks over time. And, this method also leaves your subfloors intact, should you ever need to redo or replace your wood floors. Even if your floors don’t need to be fixed or replaced, you may need easy access to underground pipes or wiring. Having a floating tongue and groove floor will allow for easy access.
Custom engineered flooring in Colorado
We specialize in all types of installation methods, including floating installations. And, our custom line of T&G Prefinished White Oak Engineered flooring comes in a variety of widths and colors. You can work with our skilled craftsmen to customize the color you want.

Our craftsmen will thrill you with their expertise and attention to detail, whether you choose engineered or solid hardwood flooring.
Solid, engineered, or reclaimed hardwood floors last a lifetime. Make the right choices from the beginning. Sign up for a free consultation with a hardwood flooring contractor in your area.