Wide plank flooring is still a popular flooring trend. At T&G, we have a custom line of solid and engineered oak flooring that comes in a variety of width and colors. Wide floors are luxurious and can create the illusion that the room they are in is bigger than it is. However, there are some considerations to make when it comes to wide plank flooring.
Wide plank flooring considerations

The wider the plank, the shorter the installation time.
When you are looking for wide plank floors you want the floorboards to exceed 5” in width. Many manufacturers will offer their product in a variety of width. However, there is an art to choosing the right width for your hardwood floors. Although wide planks are great at opening up a small room, going too wide can both increase the costs, as well as cause other problems down the line.
Reduced installation time
If wide wood planks are right for your flooring project, one of the benefits is that the wider the plank, the shorter the installation time. Obviously, with slimmer planks, you’ll need more boards and the installation will take longer. On the other hand, wider planks will reduce the installation time since you need fewer boards to complete the project.
Wide plank flooring by professionals
The width of your floor boards may be determined by the measurements of the room. You want to fill the room with floor boards that are uniform and equal in size to create harmony. If you don’t calculate the right width to perfectly fit the room, you’ll end up having to complete the floors with a slimmer board. If you want wide plank flooring, we suggest you work with a professional flooring contractor so that you get the right width and the proper installation.

T&G White Oak Balboa wide plank hardwood floors.
Wide plank flooring warps easier
One of the problems that we’ve seen with wide plank flooring is the tendency to shrink and expand. In areas like Colorado, where the temperatures are always fluctuating, wide planks are more sensitive to changes in temperature and moisture content. Because each board has a larger surface area, the chances of warping and bending increase from slimmer boards. Of course, if you can maintain a consistent indoor climate, your wide plank floors will last a lifetime.
Wide planks have more character
Speaking of a wider surface, the wide plank will show more of the grain and can vary more from board to board than a skinny board. This could be a pro or a con, depending on your style. Showing the variety of each floor board can add character, or it can become too busy. It all comes down to personal style.
Wide plank flooring in Colorado
If you want wide plank flooring, check out our line of wide plank flooring. Our custom line comes in eight different colors, but we can also customize a color to suit your style. Each board comes in a variety of width to fit any room in your home.
Schedule a free consultation with an installation expert and let’s get started on your new hardwood floors.