In Blog, Existing floor services, Refinish Floors, Types of hardwood flooring, Wood flooring advice

When you have a busy household filled with kids, pets, or both, you’re going to need some hardwood floors that offer incredible durability. Otherwise, you will end up needing to get the flooring replaced after only a year or two. If you are looking for the most durable hardwood flooring, then this is the perfect guide for you.

Engineered Wood

Any type of engineered hardwood floors is generally regarded as being the most durable option. This is because they are able to resist the damaging effects of moisture on the hardwood. There is also the benefit that they are a very effective type of scratch-resistant flooring that can be easily sanded down and refinished in the event that they do still develop some  scratches.

engineered hardwood floors

Lighter hardwood floors will be able to hide things like scuffs and scratches easier.

Solid Hardwood

In a close second position for durability is any solid hardwood floors. Whether it is maple, cedar, pine, oak, fir, or any of the other available options, you can rest assured that this scratch-resistant flooring will not develop any blemishes or marks easily. But since it is often more expensive than engineered wood and slightly less durable, it is not used nearly as frequently.

Laminate Flooring

You’ll want to make sure that you avoid any laminate flooring if durability is what you are after. This is because laminate flooring is by far the least durable option and will likely develop a significant amount of scratches and scuffs when exposed to any children or pets.

So when you’re ready to pick out some durable hardwood floors, make sure you look at only the highest-quality engineered or solid hardwood options. You’ll be able to find this by visiting us at T & G Flooring and scheduling your free consultation today.