Staining hardwood floors is not an easy task. But as there are so many different types of wood, there is really no need to do this. From Birch to Maple to Cherry, finding the right wood is easier than ever, and you don’t have to worry about making a big mess as you would with staining. People who stain tend to make mistakes, and it can ruin the floor’s natural look.
So Many Variations of Wood, Never Need to Stain
When it comes to finding the right type of hardwood floor, you can choose a wood that matches your aesthetic. There are various tones and different shades that all behave differently in light. If you work with a hardwood flooring specialist, they can help outline the different materials that they have available. You can then work with them to choose an option that will fit your preferences and the layout of your home. As some woods look better in big spaces and vice versa, this is very helpful.

White Oak is a versatile option for staining.
If You Choose to Stain – Choose White Oak Flooring
If you decide that you do want to stain your hardwood floors, you should choose White Oak flooring. White Oak flooring is the most versatile and easiest to stain because of its lighter color. As staining trends are beginning to move in the natural and subtle direction, this is the perfect option for you. You can even choose a very low-key stain and bring out the natural highlights in the wood.
When it comes to staining hardwood floors, you should be working with the best. There is no need to sacrifice your time and your money doing it yourself, as mistakes can be costly.
Contact T & G Flooring if you want to learn more about our different types of wood and how we can bring your interior décor to the next level.