In Blog, Hardwood flooring research, Types of hardwood flooring, Wood flooring advice

Are you looking for the best hardwood floors for your bedroom? There are a lot of options out there, but not all hardwood flooring is created equal. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different types of hardwood flooring available, their pros and cons, and how to choose the best one for your bedroom. 

Best Hardwood Options

Hardwood floors can create a natural aesthetic to your bedroom.

When it comes to selecting the best hardwood floors for bedrooms, there are several options to choose from. Whether you’re looking for something traditional, a unique style, or something that requires less maintenance, here are three of the best hardwood flooring options for your bedroom: 

  • Oak: Oak hardwood flooring is one of the most popular hardwoods for both residential and commercial properties. It offers durability, beauty, and strength, making it an ideal choice for any bedroom. It also comes in a variety of styles, from traditional white oak to darker varieties like mahogany or walnut. Plus, it’s easier to refinish and touch up over the years compared to other types of hardwoods.
  • Cherry: Cherry is a beautiful and classic hardwood that adds warmth and character to any bedroom. It has a luxurious look and is known for its durability, which makes it perfect for busy households with children and pets. Plus, cherry hardwood can be refinished over time, so you can change the look of your bedroom whenever you want.

More Popular Choices

  • Maple: Maple is a classic hardwood that brings warmth and elegance to any bedroom. It has a smooth grain pattern and comes in several shades ranging from light to dark. Its light color reflects natural light and helps make any room feel larger. Maple is also durable, easy to maintain, and relatively inexpensive.
  • Hickory: Hickory is a strong, heavy wood that is ideal for bedrooms due to its hardness. It comes in a variety of colors, from pale yellow to deep red, and its dark finish provides a rich, warm feeling to any room. It’s also a bit more expensive than some other hardwoods, but it’s worth the cost if you’re looking for something that will last for many years to come.

T&G Flooring has every option for your bedroom hardwood flooring! Contact us today to learn more.