In Wood flooring advice

Hardwood floors are a wonderful investment. Hardwood floors add beauty and value to your home or place of business. However, the process of choosing, installing, and caring for hardwood floors isn’t simple. Hardwood floors should last a lifetime, but only if you make the right choices about species, style, and installation method. T&G Flooring in Denver is one of the largest hardwood flooring retailers in the Front Range. Our experts are here to guide and help you make informed decisions about the best hardwood floors for your home or business.

Hardwood Flooring Showroom Denver

Explore all of your wood options by visiting our showroom in Denver or Evergreen.

Choosing a hardwood flooring contractor

At T&G Flooring, we don’t just sell and install hardwood flooring products, we help our clients make informed decisions. Understanding how the different types of hardwood floors will react in your home both structurally and aesthetically is important. It’s true, hardwood floors can be updated, refinished, and changed over time, but you should think of hardwood floors as a permanent structure in your home. You will get the most return on your investment if you get it right the first time.

Solid or engineered flooring

Our hardwood flooring experts are happy to consult with all clients to go over their options for wood. We have two showrooms where we offer a free consultation. At the showroom, we not only explain the differences, both positive and negative, between solid and engineered flooring, but we can also show you. Being able to physically see the different wood options will help you make a more informed decision.

Species of wood

Both solid and engineered wood come in a large variety of species. The most common being oak, but there are many species of wood to choose from. Our experts can guide you through the characteristics and personalities of each wood species. We will try to understand your aesthetic and practical needs to help match you with the perfect wood species. You will also be able to see how each wood species has different textures and tones, making sure that you pick the perfect species to match your home or your business.

Installation method

T&G Flooring in Denver and Energreen can help with new and existing hardwood flooring projects.Once you have made informed decisions about the species and type of wood flooring, our experts will be open and transparent about the installation process. Although we typically have a pretty good idea of how long the installation process will take, there is one variable: acclimation. For the best result, you need to make sure that the wood you choose is allowed to acclimate to its new home. Rushing the acclimation process can cause problems in the future. We’d rather wait a day or two more and get the installation right the first time.

Consult with a hardwood flooring contractor about your next hardwood flooring project. Visit our showrooms in Evergreen and Denver and get expert opinions about the best style and type of hardwood floors for your home or business. Get it right the first time with T&G Flooring!