In Blog, Existing floor services, Hardwood flooring research, Refinish Floors, Types of hardwood flooring, Wood flooring advice

When it comes to hardwood floors, Colorado homeowners have a lot of options. Choosing the right hardwood floor finishes for your home can be difficult, so it’s important to understand the different options available. From oil-based to water-based finishes, we will provide an overview of the recommended finishes for hardwood floors.

Types of Hardwood Floor Finishes

How to use dark hardwood to elevate your interior design

Dark hardwood flooring finish can add warmth and elegance.

Polyurethane: Polyurethane is a popular choice for finishing hardwood floors due to its durability and glossy finish. It is easy to apply and provides excellent protection from everyday wear and tear. However, polyurethane does not stand up well to moisture and can be quite slippery when wet.

Varnish: Varnish is a popular finish for hardwood floors that offers protection from scratches, dirt, and moisture. It also gives a rich and warm look to your flooring. However, varnish can yellow over time, so it’s important to reapply every few years to maintain the original look.

Shellac: Shellac is a natural, water-soluble finish that is great for sealing hardwood floors. It provides a very hard and durable surface that is also very resistant to water damage. However, shellac is more expensive than other finishes and requires periodic maintenance.

Wax: Wax is a classic finish for hardwood floors that can give your floor a unique look. It is also relatively easy to apply and can provide excellent protection from scratches and moisture. On the downside, wax can be difficult to remove once it has been applied, so it’s important to make sure you are happy with the look before applying it to your flooring.

Which is Recommended

The best choice for your hardwood floor finish is ultimately a personal preference. However, there are some popular recommendations based on use and maintenance levels. For high-traffic areas or commercial use, a surface finish is usually recommended as it offers the most protection and durability. For light traffic areas such as bedrooms or living rooms, a penetrating oil is typically recommended due to its natural, breathable finish that allows the wood to age gracefully. Wax-based finishes are also popular for their deep, glossy shine, but require more maintenance than other finishes.

Ultimately, the decision on which hardwood floor finish is best for your home or business depends on your personal needs and preferences. Consider the use of the floor, the look you want to achieve, and the amount of time and effort you’re willing to commit to maintenance when choosing the right finish for your hardwood floors.

Have questions? Reach out to us at T&G Flooring today!