In Blog, Refinish Floors, Wood flooring advice

When you get a new floating floor installed, you’re going to want to make sure that you take proper care of it in order to avoid costly repairs or replacement being needed soon after. So in order to keep your floating floor installation looking great for a long time, here are the various things that you will need to do.

Use Professional Cleaners

One thing you should never do with a floating floor is attempt to clean it with anything other than a cleaner that is specifically designed to be used with that type of flooring. It is especially important to stay away from any oil-based soaps since these can potentially cause extensive damage to this flooring.

A floating floor is a style, not a material.

Sweep Instead of Mop

A lot of people try to mop their flooring in order to keep it looking nice. But when dealing with a floating floor, it is best to stick to sweeping instead. This is because the moisture from mopping can easily cause damage to the wood material. So try sweeping on a daily basis and then maybe do some vacuuming every few days to help get it really clean.

Clean Up Spills Right Away

As previously mentioned, moisture is the enemy when it comes to a floating floor. Therefore, the moment that any liquid is spilled on the floor, it is important that you take steps to clean it up. Otherwise, you may find yourself needing a new floating floor installation fairly soon due to extensive moisture-related damage.

By following these helpful tips, you should be able to ensure that your floating floor is able to stay in great shape for a very long time. To get the highest quality material for your new floating floor, make sure to contact us at T&G Flooring.