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Even the best hardwood floors will eventually need refinishing, but how to know when? Can I do it myself or should I look for a professional? Here is what you need to know.

When to Refinish Your Hardwood Floor

The time has come to refinish your wooden floor.

You have pushed it back, but now the time has come to refinish your wooden floor. It looks scratched, it has lost its shine, it is gritty and dirty looking, and there are deep gaps between the planks. The time has come to refinish your floor, but how do you go about it? 

DIY Vs. Looking for a Professional

Refinishing your hardwood floor is a painful, messy, and a very long process. If you do not know what you are doing, the result, after days of misery, may not be what you hoped for. The whole process involves many steps; sanding, patching, staining and finally, top coating. You need to have professional tools and material, and your house will look like a nightmare. There will be dust and chemicals everywhere. A professional hardwood specialist on the other hand knows what they are doing, it is their business. You may think that you’ ll save money by doing it yourself, but what about the result? Did you even ask the opinion of a professional before doing it; did it really need doing? 

Hire the Best Professionals in Colorado: T&G Flooring

When refinishing is a must

Now that you made the wise decision to hire a professional for refinishing your wood floors, you need to find a reliable professional, and there are many to choose from. In Colorado, we at T&G Flooring make it our business to give you entire satisfaction. Give us a call, or pop in for a quote and advice in one of our showrooms in Denver or in Evergreen. We’ll give your floor the best it deserves.